A'den Kyr'am was born on Dxun as Jarell Xaaris to Adam and Jessica Xaaris or Kyr'am. Jarell was given his Mandalorian name of A'den Kyr'am at age 10. Through his entire youth he grew up learning to hunt, track, shoot and generally fight. He was being raised to be the perfect Mandalorian Warrior. At age 18 a massive Sith Imperial force invaded Dxun for the tomb of Freedon Nad. War broke out and A'den killed dozens of Sith. During the fight he witnessed his parents get murdered by Sith. This distracted A'den long enough for a Sith to take a lightsaber to his face and then blasted A'den with Force Lightning sending him over the cliff of a 150 foot high waterfall. A'den washed up to shore and passed out. A'den was found by the Ordo Clan who nursed him back to health. When A'den awoke, he was informed his entire Clan was wiped out, he was the last Kyr'am. A'den trained and worked out getting his strength back and then left Dxun to become a mercenary.
A'den found work on Nal Hutta for Grancha the Hutt. As A'den worked for Grancha the Hutt, the mighty Hutt had pushed things hard onto the Mandalorians by forcing them to pay a tax to mine on the world of Nal Hutta. After the Taxes got out of hand the Mandalorians called war on Grancha the Hutt. A'den was stuck between choosing to aid Grancha or follow the Resol'nare and Stay true to his Culture. In the start of the Nal Hutta War A'den went against his fellow Vode until it took the at the time Mand'alor Niv to assault him after her clan beat him down. Niv threw a frag grenade at A'den in hopes to kill him yet it only disfugred his face. At this point A'den turned his back on Grancha and followed the Resol'nare and helped the Mandalorians win the Nal Hutta War. A'den killed Grancha the Hutt.
A'den was soon picked up on Corellia by a Mandalorian Clan by Nico Fett, the Clans Alor and let him in as his previous clan rank from Kyr'am, Ruus'alor. A'den was quickly made the Alor'ad and served the purpose against the Current threat to the Mandalorian Culture. The Black Sun. The Black Sun was threating Bothawui in which several Mandalorians called home. The Galactic Alliance requested the Mandalorians help in which very few clans aided the fight, Fett Clan being one of them. Nico was in the Black Sun but made the choice to follow his clan against the Black Sun. The Mandalorians removed the Black Sun threat from Bothawui. In time A'den was on Mos Espa and ran into an old Enemy. Cayce Urriah, the two Mandalorians engaed in a fight Alor'ad Vs Alor. The fight came to an end by A'den blowing both himself and Cayce up causing severe damage to both. After time Fett Clan travaeled to Hoth where they met Lady Widow and the United Imperial Alliance. Fett Clan changed it's name to Dha'oya Clan where they set up a Mando camp near by and A'den got married to Lady Widow. But as time went on they grew apart and then Lord Marell Dark Lord of the Sith rised and came to Hoth and begun to take over. Dha'oya left and headed for Mos Entha just after A'den and Lady Widow split up. But during thier time on Hoth A'den stood up against the current Mand'alor Teppes in defense for Lady Widow on several occasions. A Move that made him disliked by the Mandalorian Culture. A'den then left into Deep Space after the clan left Hoth and in time A'den was persumed dead.
A'den returned and hid on Endor to relax and re-gain himself after a mysterious mission kept him in deep space. Nico Fett discovered A'den had returned and handed Clan Dha'oya over to him and left endor. As A'den stayed on Endor he noticed Mandalorians in blue and black. He noticed one of them as an old friend. Shiva. A'den went to investigate and found it to be Death Watch. A'den Was taken into the Death Watch Shortly after Nico Fett decalred A'den Alor of Dha'oya. But as time went on A'den realized what he was doing was wrong. He was a Mandalorian, as a Death Watch he was being forced to fight his fellow Vode. This is something he had not wanted. A'den then left The Death Watch in set for Kerest, a planet with several Mandalorian clans. His Goal, re-gain his virtue name in the Mandalorian culture and lead Dha'oya like it should be, following the Resol'nare.
As A'den led Dha'oya back into the good graces of the Mandalorian culture, he came to the conclusion, to be a good Alor he would need to face his demons. He must return home to Dxun, the place where hus parents were murdered. He went and spoke with Fett Alor, Cuyan Naast. The Fett clan agreed to join Dha'oya on the journey to Dxun. Upon arrival they had found an old Mandalorian Compound. the Fetts and Dha'oya agreed they can bring back the Mandalorians to Dxun. The mandalorians worked on the old camp tore down walls and re-built and made the sight into several compounds for Mandalorians to come and use as their own. A'den then took a new sign to Dha'oya and dropped the silver and blue Mythosaur Skull logo and replaced it with a red and black Mythosaour Skull logo. He burned everything with the Clan name of Dha'oya. A'den announced the rebirth of Clan Kyr'am using red and black for the Clans colors, the Color's representing his armor of red and black, Honoring his father and to bring Justice to those who sought to destroy the Mandalorians. A'den
still waiting to hear from the Mandalorian Council about Clan Kyr'am signing the charter of the united clans, A'den continued to grow his clan and in hopes to one day restore the Mandalorian culture to what it once was.
After some time A'den took his clan away from Dxun in search of new oppertunities. This led the clan and A'den to Nar Shaddaa lower city where they built a compound and Started working as Mercenary Mandalorians working for the highest bidder still working to sign the charter following the resol'nare. In the mean time whils A'den worked on getting his clans name known, he organized a plan to get them a Flag ship to travel the Hyperspace lanes and the galaxy as a Clan. They went to Corellia where there was a band of Imperials located. A'den and Clan Kyr'am managed to sneak aboard a Star Destroyer and killed everyone on board and stole the Star Destroyer for thier own. They took it to Telos IV where they scrapped it and re-built it and re-painted it and made it into a Mandalorian Flag Ship to travel the galaxy together as a Clan in wich they do. The compound on Nar Shaddaa only used when working on Nar Shaddaa they could be mostly found somewhere travelling the galaxy.
Some time after Clan Kyr'am set foot on Telos to create a new base of operations but they quickly decided to leave and remain on Nar Shaddaa for unknown reasons, then the Revenant Armada and the Hutts fought against the Galactic Liberation Alliance and other mandalorians. A'den took Clan Kyr'am and led them into the battle against GLA. After time the Mand'aor Tyro came to see A'den and his clan on Nar Shaddaa and Clan Kyr'am finally signed the charter, a life long dream by A'den, But with this signing he had to agree to drop the Hutts. Soon after that the other clans voted on aiding GLA on the battle of Uvena Prime. Clan Kyr'am refusing to go against Mand'alor made the move to turn thier back on the Revanant Armada and the Hutts. In this move they secluded themselves into the middle of nowhere in a desert on the planet Saleucami to get away from Nar Shaddaa. Clan Kyr'am now aiding GLA in the battle of Uvena Prime and Following Mand'alor, only time would tell what is next for this Mandalorian clan. during the battle A'den went with the Mand'alor to team up on Darth Navaro and Darth Nortis the leaders of the Revanant Armada. A'den killed Darth Nortis, but Darth Navaro killed the Mand'alor. A'den quickly cut down Navaro ending the War spelling victory for the Mandalorians. With his last dying breath, Mand'alor Tyro made A'den the new Mand'alor, and giving him the legendary golden mask of Mand'alor.
As Mand'alor A'den wanted revenge but decided to wait. He built up a massive Armada and an army and then invaded Hutt Space attacking the Hutt Cartel as a strike for revenge for former Mand'alor Tyro. This was the bloodiest battle in Mandalorian history. A'den personally killed half a dozen hutts. The War ended when the hutts were forced into submission and signed over all assets to the Mandalorians. A'den would serve as Mand'alor for another 12 years before the Hutts set A'den up. They posed a deal to gain his Clan more territory. Upon arriving at the meeting, A'den was captured and put into carbonite and hung up in Torka the Hutts wall as decoration.
Nearly 500 years later after Torka's Palace was abandoned, pirates raided the Palace and found A'den still frozen in carbonite. The pirates chose to unfreeze him to steal his armor. Despite having hibernation sickness, A'den killed all the pirates then collapsed. 3 days later A'den woke up feeling normal again. He took a shower cleaning up. He discovered the Galaxy was in the middle of a War known as The Second Great Galactic War. A'den ignored the War and begun building up Clan Kyr'am. A'den met and married a woman named Mesh'la. The two had a son together named Kylo.
Soon after the birth of Kylo, the current Mand'alor Anija Betna called all Mandalorians to a massive War. A'den left for the War that lasted 2 decades. During the War A'den fell in love with Anija but nothing ever came of it. The tide of war changed hands when A'den sacrificed his life to destroy the massive droid army factory. All thought A'den died in the War. Anija Betna awarded A'den the Mandalorian medal of honor, giving it to his son Kylo.
A year later A'den showed up showing he survived the deadly nuclear blast but was never explained how. A'den was offered Mand'alor after Anija died, but A'den turned it down to grow his Clan. A'den learned his wife Mesh'la died during the War. Kylo gave his father his medal of honor which he hangs from his belt to this day. A'den made his son Kylo his Alor'ad and today own 23 businesses under a multi billion credit corporation known as the Kyr'am corporation making Clan Kyr'am one of if not the most wealthiest Mandalorian Clan in the Galaxy. Today Clan Kyr'am is 10,000 members strong.